Tricks and tips for Revit success
Get all the latest tips, tricks, and expert advice to help you manage your projects and optimize your work with Revit families.
Automatic Travel Distance in Revit LT
Tired of the slow manual travel distance calculation process in Revit LT? We have a solution that automates updates and saves time!
Add color to detail families!
A wonderful walkthrough on how to add color fill patterns to any detail component family without complicated parameters or formulas.
Level of Development (LOD) - Model Development Standards
A general discussion on how detailed a model should be based on industry standards.
Edit Mark vs Type Mark in Revit
Read this guide to understand the difference between mark and type mark parameters, how to use them, and how to edit them.
Why Architects Need Notion
Architects, engineers, and contractor firms need to be better organized if they want to grow and the first step is with a structured platform like Notion.
3 Examples How to Use Revit Key Schedules
Use Revit key schedules to organize and optimize revisions and coordination of data across a project.
3 Methods to Create Cost Schedules
A Revit project template is Revit file type to standardize project organization, graphic settings, and workflow setups. I discuss what you need to consider when creating your own!
What is a Revit Project Template and Why is it Important?
A Revit project template is Revit file type to standardize project organization, graphic settings, and workflow setups. I discuss what you need to consider when creating your own!
5 Rules for Better Project Notes
Text notes are over relied on in drawings., which creates clutters drawings, creates repetitive notes, and QAQC issues. Read our method for producing BIM quality notes!
Revit Drafting Views Vs. Legend Views: Which is best?
Revit has two different view types for two completely separate function, yet people are still confused about their difference. Read more…
7 Tips for Updating Existing Project With New Standards
Some projects are hard to justify time and money to update existing project standards. Here are my 7 tips on how to efficiently update existing projects!
Easiest Way to Straighten Angled Plans
Have weirdly shaped floor plans with angled sections? Ever try Scope Boxes?