Ultimate Revit Template - Imperial


Streamline your design process with the Ultimate Revit Template, designed to leverage the full potential of BIM workflows for optimal project production and analysis. This comprehensive template features integrated code review workflows for key deliverables, enhanced view template filters for automated graphics, and advanced analytical tags to keep your projects on track. Benefit from detailed analysis schedules that provide precise requirements and identify major conflicts at every stage of project development.

BIM firms charge thousands for this level of development and integration; our template offers these powerful features at a fraction of the cost! We've embedded structures and automation to help reduce manual updates and avoid repetitive troubleshooting, allowing you to focus on bringing your projects to life efficiently. Experience a new level of productivity with the Ultimate Revit Template.

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Streamline your design process with the Ultimate Revit Template, designed to leverage the full potential of BIM workflows for optimal project production and analysis. This comprehensive template features integrated code review workflows for key deliverables, enhanced view template filters for automated graphics, and advanced analytical tags to keep your projects on track. Benefit from detailed analysis schedules that provide precise requirements and identify major conflicts at every stage of project development.

BIM firms charge thousands for this level of development and integration; our template offers these powerful features at a fraction of the cost! We've embedded structures and automation to help reduce manual updates and avoid repetitive troubleshooting, allowing you to focus on bringing your projects to life efficiently. Experience a new level of productivity with the Ultimate Revit Template.

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Streamline your design process with the Ultimate Revit Template, designed to leverage the full potential of BIM workflows for optimal project production and analysis. This comprehensive template features integrated code review workflows for key deliverables, enhanced view template filters for automated graphics, and advanced analytical tags to keep your projects on track. Benefit from detailed analysis schedules that provide precise requirements and identify major conflicts at every stage of project development.

BIM firms charge thousands for this level of development and integration; our template offers these powerful features at a fraction of the cost! We've embedded structures and automation to help reduce manual updates and avoid repetitive troubleshooting, allowing you to focus on bringing your projects to life efficiently. Experience a new level of productivity with the Ultimate Revit Template.

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revit project template area analysis for occupancy egress plans

Powerful Code Analysis Integrations

Code review has historically been a manual task, requiring designers to dedicate hours of back-and-forth between dozens of code requirement documents, several scope adjustments, and manual updates. There is a better way!

This template specifically integrates occupancy code review using any base code requirements through enhanced view template graphics, advanced analytical tags, and deep analysis schedules. Developing this level of automation could easily take a firm 150-200+ hours. Considering the average cost of a BIM manager? Forget about it. In-house development could take several months, along with their other duties, wasting valuable billable hours across multiple projects.

Revit template code analysis tagging and path of travel

Comprehensive Occupancy Analysis

Revit natively includes features for analyzing spaces using simple area and volume calculations to coordinate tagging information. We took it a step further by added a larger and more comprehensive set of analytical tools to automate occupancy calculations and optimize visualization of these spaces. We integrated automated schedules, smart analytical tags, and enhanced view template graphics so any user can get a detailed view of every space.

Revit plumbing fixture count schedule automated

Automated Plumbing Calculations

Tired of cross-referencing plumbing code requirements with every little scope revision? Struggling with double counting or applying the wrong occupancy to a space? Not anymore! Our template integrates plumbing fixture schedules that automatically calculate accurate required fixture counts without needing to manually cross-reference, recalculate, and log changes.

Revit zoning land use analysis tags and areas and schedules

Zoning Land Use Analytics

Does your client need multiple design options to showcase the optimal developed property? Easily set up zoning land use diagrams and automated schedules showcasing your latest zoning addendum proposal.

Revit parking count area analysis plan and schedule

Accurate Parking Calculations

Easily generate the latest parking count requirements (standard, accessible, and bike) for zoning committees with accurate schedules and diagrams that update with every change.

revit light and ventilation schedule and plan analysis

Light & Vent Identification & Calculations

Easily ensure your project exceeds standards for sunlight and fresh air for all mixed-use occupancy development.

Revit 3d view of a building with a cost schedule

Cost Analysis & Quantities Schedules

Construction costs have steadily increased at an average of 2-5% in recent years, with a sharp spike above 14% in 2022. More than ever, designers need to adapt better cost analysis techniques early in the development lifecycle. That’s why we’ve set up cost analysis schedules to provide better cost forecasting and reduce client sticker shock once construction begins. Easily update base unit pricing as costs change.

Revit template building showing colors using filters for QC review

Integrated QC Features

Ever open a project model and discover that while the drawings look amazing, the model itself is an absolute nightmare? Everyone has a slightly different definition of a “clean desk,” and these same definitions find their way into model management. With our QC schedules and dashboard, we make it easy for BIM managers to quickly review the state of the model, ensuring a consistent definition of “clean” across every project.

Revit template stairs and railing types available

Detailed Prebuilt Stair & Railing Families

Troubleshooting stair and railing families can be one of the most intimidating parts of Revit—not to mention the challenge of making them look good! This template includes a collection of prebuilt stair and railing families to cover a range of uses. From simple precast stairs to complex glass railings, we set everything up with a thorough structure for easy expansion and adjustment as needed.

Revit template sheet organization and project browser organization

Organized Sheets & Structured Views

Every project is different in size and scope, but drawing presentation should remain consistent. Following the National CAD standard for naming conventions and organization, your drawings will remain consistent across all projects. To cut down the time between design and final presentation, we prepopulated multiple sheets with views and legends, making it easier to push issued drawings from day one.

Revit template lines, fill patterns, and section detail standards

Organized Line & Patterns

It’s always late in the project when you realize there are not enough line types and fill patterns, and setting them up properly always eats up more time than it should. We did all the hard work for you, setting up and troubleshooting view scales so you can work on more important matters.

Revit template text, dimensions, graphic scales, and north arrows

Clean Text, Dimensions & Graphics

Ever opened a project that had text options like “1/8” Arial 2, 3, copy1,copy1copy2, …”—all with inconsistent sizes and parameters? We populated the most popular text sizes and dimensions that scale well for both digital and printed legibility, so you don’t spend hours troubleshooting useless families.

revit template elevation tags, view titles, levels, and family tagging options

Several Tagging Style Options

Not every firm loves the default Revit tags. We get it—firms should show their unique design flair. That’s why we developed a larger set of tag options from views, callouts, sections, doors, windows, etc. so users can easily mix and match their own style.

Revit wall assembly organization system diagrams

Prebuilt Assemblies & Details

Revit assemblies (walls, floors, and roofs) are crucial for saving time and creating accurate models and details. We generated a large set of robust assemblies with assigned thicknesses and materials, so you can model your project with the correct assemblies from the start. This template includes three different types of presenting, organizing, and updating assemblies to match a range of styles, as well as a large set of assemblies with assigned materials and definitions for fast changes.

revit template view template options

Setup View Templates

One of the biggest workflow time-savers in Revit are auto-applied view templates. Every time you generate a new floor plan, elevation, or callout detail, Revit applies one of our many prebuilt view templates. Along with our expansive filter presets, our templates ensure your drawings always look good!

Revit keynotes and note block options

Rich Note Tagging Options

Text notes with arrows work well in certain situations, but they are time-consuming to generate, become an irritating time sink during QC reviews, and can make drawings look busy. Our template is set up with keynotes to codify your plan, so you can generate a set of standard notes that can be used across all projects while maintaining a single file.

For users who prefer to maintain notes inside the model, we’ve also integrated Note Blocks and tagging families to offer a seamless alternative to using a separate text file.

Revit template in-model user guide

In-Model User Guide

Having trouble finding the user guide buried somewhere on the company server, where only the BIM manager remembers its location? BIM managers, are you tired of users not referencing standards outlined in the user manual? We hear you, and we agree 1000%.

We eliminated the disconnect between static images and text in separate files and got rid of the PDF. Now, all standards and documentation live in the model. If there’s ever a question, users only need to go to the standards section of the project browser to find their answer!


Free Bonus Content

Revit windows, doors, casework & cabinets, hatch pattern family collections for revittemplate.net

Ultimate Family Samples

On top of everything, we include sample families from multiple ultimate series collections, so users can dive straight into their next project while also showcasing the additional value we offer!

Ultimate Space Planning Families

Are the tools in Revit slowing you down when you have tight deadlines to reprogram a project? Our 3D diagramming families make it easy for users to quickly lay out spaces that can be tracked against a project’s program with graphics, tagging, and schedules. With 3D grips, users can quickly adjust, snap, and align families to other 3D objects—all without needing intricate knowledge on how to adjust families.

Revit template ultimate renaming tool add-in.

Ultimate Renaming Tool Add-in

This template comes pre-configured with our well-structured naming conventions. However, we know this cannot account for everyone’s unique workflow, and some things may need to change to meet your deliverables. To help shortcut the effort and time needed to update all naming standards, we developed a handy Revit add-in to bulk rename with the click of a button! This tool lets you update all naming standards quickly and efficiently from one central window.

Purchasers will get a free one-year subscription to the tool, along with any updates or expansions from the purchase date.

Revit template welcome screen dashboard.

Welcome Page Dashboard

We included a welcome page dashboard to keep your entire team up to date on all project-related information, such as project stakeholders, team communication, significant dates, and time since the last audit. This dashboard also includes several QC schedules to provide users with quality information related to model health and management.

revit template accessibility diagrams and detail items included free with purchase

Detailed Accessibility Diagrams

We’re also throwing in a free set of our accessibility diagrams and notes! Accessibility is a critical aspect of every design project, so we took the liberty of generating a large set of accessibility details and notes that adhere to best practice standards. These should be included in every permit and construction set, so you no longer need to remind the contractor about door clearances for the umpteenth time.

Revit title block options for size and features

Modern Title Block Set

As a final bonus, we’ve supplied a set of our fully featured Modern Title Blocks. The collection features a simplified modern design that is sure to make your drawings pop on site.  We’ve taken full advantage of Revit workflows and automated the project information, revision history, and view scaling. Plus, we’ve added a few extra features laid out in our model user guide!


Ultimate Revit Template Walkthrough

Check out our tutorial playlist to see all our key features in action!


Compare Features


Ultimate template

Premium template

Core template

Informative user guide  ✔   ✔   ✔ 
Set up views
 ✔   ✔ 
Set up sheets  ✔ 
 ✔   Limited
Title block collection  ✔ 
 Limited Features  Limited Title Blocks & Features
Set up phase & phase filter  ✔ 
 ✔   ✔ 
Text styles  ✔ 
 ✔   ✔ 
Dimension styles  ✔ 
 ✔   ✔ 
Line styles  ✔ 
 ✔   ✔ 
Line patterns  ✔ 
 ✔   ✔ 
Line weights  ✔ 
 ✔   ✔ 
Fill/hatch patterns  ✔   Limited  Limited
North arrow  Multiple Options   One Option  One Option
Graphic scale  Multiple Options   One Option  One Option
Annotation tags  Multiple Options   One Option  One Option
Note tagging  Multiple Options   Multiple Options   Multiple Options 
Welcome dashboard  ✔   ✔   Limited
General notes & legends  ✔   ✔   Limited
Accessibility diagrams  ✔   ✔   Limited
Assembly diagrams  3 Layout Options   1 Options   1 Options 
Wall types  ✔   Limited  Limited
Floor types  ✔   ✔   Limited
Roof types  ✔   ✔   Limited
Ceiling types  ✔   ✔   Limited
Prebuilt stair families  ✔   ✔   Limited
Prebuilt railing families  ✔   ✔   Limited
General schedules  ✔   ✔   Limited
Set up view templates  ✔   ✔   ✔ 
Multiple view types  ✔   ✔   ✔ 
Project browser organization  ✔   ✔   ✔ 
Path of travel  Multiple Options  Two Options  Limited
Set up key schedules  ✔   Limited  Limited
Shared parameters  ✔   ✔   Limited
Project code matrix  ✔   ✔ 
Ultimate space planning families  ✔     
Code review tags & annotations  ✔     
Note block tagging & schedule  ✔     
View filters  ✔     
Color schemes  ✔     
Code review area & floor plans & view templates  ✔     
Automated code review schedules  ✔     
Automated cost estimation schedules  ✔     
Automated code plumbing fixture count schedule  ✔     
Automated code parking count schedule  ✔     
Automated light & vent calc schedule  ✔     
Automated wall opening percentage schedule  ✔     
Room & area calculation parameters  ✔     
Ultimate renaming tool add-in  First Year Free  Separate Purchase  Separate Purchase

Best for

Ultimate template

Premium template

Core template

Small firms  ✔   ✔   ✔ 
Large firms
Additions  ✔   ✔   ✔ 
Single-family residential  ✔ 
 ✔   ✔ 
Multi-family residential  ✔ 
Mixed-use  ✔ 
Small commercial  ✔ 
 ✔   ✔ 
Large commercial  ✔ 
Franchise development  ✔ 
Hospitality  ✔ 
Institutional  ✔ 

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